Our unmatched technical capability is recognized for the TEXTINNO developments, combined with 60 years-long experiences and cutting-edge automotive technologies. Also, in 2016, we became the first to develop the INNOCESS system in the world, making it possible for us to pioneer Industry 4.0, known as a next big thing among many textile machinery and industrial equipment manufacturers. Going forward, integrated with machines and IT and harmony with humanity, we will be able to lead the local markets and use our own technical capability to become a global leader in manufacturing and engineering industrial equipment in an effort to improve quality of people’s life.
present ~ 2010
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Completed TMS developments [Tenter IT integreated model name: Inoses]
Signed a MOU about textile machinery research institute
Completed the enlargement construction of factory in Dang-jin
Participated in a textile machinery exhibition in Shanghai
Launched DTP dry product [awarded by the Prime Ministry for the new item]
Succeeded in localizing a rail guider sensor
localized textile post-processing non-contact temperature sensor [part of a government-led project]
Tasked with tenter hybrid technology by the Korean government
Assigned for a research, part of energy technology greener project
Achieved 51 billon dollars worth sales
selected as one of major companies spearheading a government-led technology innovation development project
Developed new products [Tenter and TEXTINNO]
Developed new products [non-tension net dry]
The establishment of the research institute within our organization and patent acquisition would service as a steppingstone to achieve source technologies in-house. Our technical capability is acclaimed for new products that we launch and so we are able to export them into 40 countries around the world. Further, we moved production facilities into Dang-jin in order to keep pace with the ever-growing demands and go beyond the domestic markets.
2009 ~ 2000
Opened up a CEO position to outsiders for the first time [Du-chil Seo took the post back then]
Received a certificate for Ehwha’s professionalism in parts materials
Changed the corporate name to Ehwha Glotech, moved production facilities into Dang-jin and enlarged them later
Awarded for having contributed to achieving 30 million dollars worth exports in November [commendation by the President]
Acquired INOBIZ certificate
Marked 50th anniversary of the establishment
Launched an office in China
Launched in-house research institute
Commendation for being recognized as one of solid small & mid-sized businesses by the Small and Medium Industry Bank
Awarded for having contributed to achieving 20 million dollars worth exports [commendation by the President]
Commendation for having paid taxes responsibly by the Tax Office Commissioner in Ansan
Launched E-TECH, an affiliate [manufacturing dyeing and drying machines]
2002 Constructed and operated second production facilities in Siheung and designated for a energy resources development project
Commendation in celebration of the Export Day [by the President and Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and awarded for having contributed to achieving 10 million dollars worth exports]
Acquired [KS A 9001:2001, ISO 9001:2000]
Awarded for technical excellence in quality [International Trade Leaders Club]
Acquired a patent
[on hot-air heat gun and others (earlier-filed application: 0224650, 0224651 and 0224562)]
Developed products [tenter and model PT 453]
awarded for being an exemplary model in textile industry
We were able to take our products quality to another level through a partnership with a Japanese firm SAM ENG for technical cooperation after we changed the corporate name to Ehwha Machinery and Engineering Corporation. Also, we completed the construction for a factory in the United States in 1996 in order to reach out to the U.S markets beyond the home country. Such efforts made it possible for us to make history by exporting textile machinery products for the first time. As an internationally recognized textile company, we have been able to contribute to the rise and growth of the nation’s economy.
1999 ~ 1980
Celebrated as one of 100 major technology companies in 20th century [awarded by the Minister of Science and Technology]
Awarded for having contributed to achieving 5 million dollars worth exports and celebrated for technical quality among others used in an industrial technology project [by the Ministry of Commerce, Technology and Energy]
Completed the factory construction in the United States and designated as a host company for a government-led project [Dyetech 21]
Launched an office in the U.S, [CARMENITA INC]
Partnered with the Japanese firm SAM ENG for technical cooperation
Transited to a corporate organization [Ehwha Machinery & Engineering Corp.]
Celebrated as a small & mid-sized company for its potential
Desperately committed to creating home-made textile machinery products that would lead to the modernization of the country, we first founded a handicraft company and then successfully developed textile heat-processing technology in house (the very first tenter in Korea). At its infancy, we were able to continue to grow as we processed, manufactured and directly supplied to customers. Later, we sit in the Ban-wall Industrial complex and expanded production lines, a move that became a seed for further growth. Such technical breakthrough made it possible to boost the textile industry as an engine for the entire Korean economic growth when Korea was complete barren to the textile machinery industry.
1979 ~ 1957
Moved 2nd headquarters and production lines to the Ban-wall Industrial Complex
Renamed as Ehwha Machinery Manufactory
Expanded the production lines for textile machines (tenter)
Founded in Yongsan, Seoul